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Open Sans
I escaped a Narcissist that changed the course of my Life.
My mission is centered on providing education and supportive coaching, particularly in offering crucial insights into Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
Following an escape from a destructive marriage, my quest for understanding led me to discover groundbreaking education on NPD from a highly reputable source. This invaluable knowledge became a constant source of enlightenment, inspiring the creation of "The Key." I underwent extensive training, earning my executive life coach certification.
Globally, there is a pervasive misunderstanding of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Most available education, whether on social media, from psychologists, or counselors, tends to focus solely on the toxic behaviors and the resulting damage to victims, along with a plan for healing. Unfortunately, these sources often fall short in comprehending the driving forces behind the abuse and the various schools and cadres of narcissists. This understanding is a crucial "Key" for healing and safeguarding oneself in the future.
Well-intentioned advice from family, friends, and therapists, while meant to be helpful, can be misleading and even perilous. Misinterpreting the signs of narcissism may lead individuals to make efforts to improve a relationship, only to find themselves back in the same destructive patterns.
Understanding the intricacies of narcissistic behavior provides the power to identify narcissists swiftly and comprehend why one became a target in the first place. This knowledge is instrumental in breaking free from harmful relationships and preventing recurrence of such patterns in the future.
For 47 years, I was oblivious to the dynamics around me, failing to recognize the narcissistic traits in my mother, brother, and grandparents. I even found myself entangled with narcissistic individuals in my relationships, culminating in marriage to one. It wasn't until I awakened to the reality of my situation that I managed to break free. My earnest desire is to spare others from experiencing the same, and I am determined to raise awareness so that no one else has to endure such a challenging journey.
I have a deep affection for humanity, and my calling is to contribute positively by sharing knowledge and offering support. I am committed to empowering you with the insights and assistance that I believe can not only transform your personal world but also contribute to creating a happier state for the world at large.
" What are the two most important days in your life? The day you were born and the day you find out why!"
Mark Twain
Edmonton, Alberta
Copyright The Key 2021